Technology Helps Support a Freelance Economy- Valutrics
The freelance economy continued to grow this year, fueled, in part, by technology, pronounced a new investigate consecrated by a freelance website Upwork and a Freelancers Union. Conducted by Edelman Intelligence, a survey, “Freelancing in America: 2016,” was constructed for a third year in a row. The objectives of a investigate investigate were to quantify a series of people freelancing in a United States, consider because these people are freelancing, and sign a destiny opinion for freelance workers. The online consult tapped 6,002 American adults who have finished paid work in a past 12 months, including both freelancers and non-freelancers. “This year’s investigate shows that freelancers are a different though critical partial of a U.S. economy, contributing over $1 trillion in freelance gain to a economy. As their ranks continue to swell, they have come to paint a mostly untapped voter retard that could have outrageous implications for a domestic system,” pronounced Sara Horowitz, a Freelancers Union’s owner and executive director.