
Why MENA’s Many SMEs Should Consider Flexible Working- Valutrics

Our interaction with the sharing economy is increasing on almost a daily basis. Taking a ride with an Uber or a Careem driver, finding somewhere to stay through Airbnb or having your lunch delivered Benita Matofska defines the Sharing Economy as “a socioeconomic ecosystem built around the sharing of human, physical, and intellectual resources. It includes the creation, production, distribution, trade, and consumption of goods and services We don’t know today what the jobs of the future will be. But with the world’s population increasing and with more and more jobs being automated it’s fair to say the competition for work in the future will be tougher than it is today. There needs to be a shift in how those with the skills (the worker) interact with those lacking the skills (the employer).

Flexible working is on its way

The contingent workforce currently represents more than a third of all workers in the United States. By 2035 it’s expected that half of the workforce in the US will be ‘freelance.’

Today more and more people see the value in working for themselves, which This is actually great news for employers. In the Middle East, there has always been a tendency for companies to hire without considering the consequences of a quiet period. It’s fair to say that before 2008 most companies were not considering a downturn. Hiring levels were high to meet demand.

But since the global financial crisis, companies can no longer afford to ride out the slow times carrying excess headcount as well as they may have done before. These days companies need to operate as lean as possible if they want to succeed. But this often makes it hard to achieve their goals.

Knowing what you want to achieve but not having the resources available can be frustrating especially when the cost of hiring those resources directly is out of the budget scope.

Smart companies are overcoming this There are now car rental companies that allow you to rent a car by the hour. Why take it for the day if you only need it for two hours. The same applies to resources. For a project or a short term requirement using flexible resources is the best decision a company can make.